Bring on Big School – Tried and Tested Tips by Dana Smith Bader in OTR Blog “The end of your child’s time in a nursery is almost here. Next, September your child must transition from the cozy environment of the nursery to BIG SCHOOL! To help you help your child with this transition, this week we examine…
Sensational Sensory Play by Dana Smith Bader in OTR Blog “As parents, we often worry about the wrong things. For example, we worry about the messes our children might make rather than the educational benefits they will gain through messy sensory play. This week, we take a look at sensory play and it’s great value to encourage…
Life Skills for Life by Dana Smith Bader in OTR Blog “As parents, we want to give our children every tool they need to succeed in life. This week we look at 7 essential life skills everyone needs for success that we can start teaching our children in their early years. We also point out some simple…
Boosting Baby’s Brain by Dana Smith Bader in OTR Blog “Many people advise new mothers not to spend too much time holding their babies because they will ‘spoil’ the baby. However, research proves otherwise. This week, we take a look at how important a responsive, attentive mother is for boosting a baby’s brain development.” It took 10 years of marriage for my eldest to arrive…
Charitable Choices by Dana Smith Bader in OTR Blog “Ramadan is here, alhamdulillah! It is a time for fasting, extra prayers, acts of worship, and charity. It is also a special time for family gatherings and the perfect time to teach our children about doing good deeds for others. This week we look more closely at how to…
Stress Busters by Dana Smith Bader in OTR Blog “Children like adults can experience stress and, if left unmanaged, this stress can manifest into physical symptoms. Therefore, it is important for parents to understand why children get stressed and how to help them manage that stress. This week we look at healthy ways to manage stress in…
Making the Most of Mindfulness by Dana Smith Bader in OTR Blog “All of us lead very busy lives, and we are always on the go. As such, it is very difficult to find time to relax and be mindful of the important things in life. However, mindfulness is not only good for us, but it is…
“Drama Queen” and “Drama King” by Dana Smith Bader in OTR Blog We know our children love to play, but often as parents, we do not understand the full importance of their play. This week we take a look at the dramatic and social play and how it benefits their development. If you have a 16 year…
To Compete or Not to compete? by Dana Smith Bader in OTR Blog We can all agree that sports, or at least exercise, is good for our kids. Making sure children have a dedicated time when they are active, exercising, and, preferably, enjoying being outdoors is essential to keeping them healthy. By taking part in weekly sports…
Learning Language by Age and Stage by Dana Smith Bader in OTR Blog Every day at Over the Rainbow – Al Bayan Nursery we focus on building language and communication with our children. When parents partner with us and focus on language, we get amazing results. To help you get started with your child, here are a few language building tips. Language…